The youth leadership school was a virtual, free, and certified course conducted by the Consortium of Youth Organizations (LAC Youth Network) between November and December 2023 with the support of UNAIDS Latina. Its purpose was to provide knowledge and political advocacy tools to young people and adolescents with leadership profiles in Latin America.
The school consisted of 5 continuous training modules on topics relevant to the consortium, such as: Leadership, human rights, international agendas (Agenda 2030 and Montevideo Consensus), gender, feminisms, masculinities, intersectionalities (stigma and discrimination against HIV+ individuals, racism, and climate crisis), project creation, strategic alliances, public policies, and citizen participation.
The school had a total of 1,231 registrants, of which 313 were accepted. Participants came from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Honduras, Panama, Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and Mexico.
One of the features of the school is that the instructors were young people from various regional and national networks who possessed the necessary expertise to conduct these trainings. It is important for the LAC Youth Network to enhance the leadership and existing capacities of Latin American youths.